Everyone is happier when Northerners stay home, especially Northerners

Everyone is happier when Northerners stay home, especially Northerners

It’s only the Woke who do not realise that allowing people from different backgrounds and cultures to mix causes problems.

Indeed the language barriers alone are a natural way of encouraging people to self-isolate from different geographical regions. We did not leave the pan-European tyranny to foster relations across borders. We left to preserve the unique Great British culture that was produced solely by thousands of years of creative isolation.

Where would the most powerful language on Earth be today if borders had been crossed willy nilly for centuries? Would the world verandah exist? Would it not! It would be a faux pas to forget our history. I could go on ad nauseam, and I will. Where would our architecture be? From Stone Henge to Westminster Abbey strong borders have produced styles unique to the UK.

What works externally can be of benefit internally.

Great Britain currently faces a raft of problems that have washed up on our shores completely by surprise. To deal with them we need the peoples of our regions to knuckle down and work hard. To stay home. To get up early and put their nose to the grindstone and stay there until the columella nasi is ground down. This is how we will make Britain great again.

Here is where we come to the wisdom of Mr Johnson’s decision to break his promise on high speed rail links between the North and South of England. Circumstances have changed and the wise adjust.

To build a direct line between London and Leeds would be to the ignore the lessons of William the Conqueror, one of Blighty’s greatest and wisest sons. He knew how to govern the country. It wasn’t by allowing the peasantry to link up and talk. Why, just building the line between Leeds to Manchester risks damaging the fragile cultural ecosystems of the North itself. No caring and compassionate government would do that. Think of the local tourism industry.

Besides, have you ever met a Northerner who came to the South and returned home happy? No. Neither have I. Come to think of it I’ve never met a Northerner and we’re both the happier for it. Geoffrey Boycott is warning enough that a boycott of northern high speed rail building is the only way to preserve the mood of the country.

To rule is to divide and our Prime Minister divides as if it’s his Great British raison d’être!
