Deferring to the future to solve today’s energy problems is top drawer Johnsonanism

Deferring to the future to solve today’s energy problems is top drawer Johnsonanism

The world beating editorial board that oversees this august publication can not be the only individual that is bored senseless of people whining about the cost of energy? I do not possess several Bentleys because I sadly can only afford two, do you see Op Eds in this standard setting periodical bemoaning my inability to use as many prestige, British automobiles as I would like? No. Maybe I should start. It seems moaning about one’s personal balance sheet is now how Brits live. How low membership of the European Union brought us. How soft. How incapable of ready access to the well of Blitz Spirit that served Britons so well from 1066 onwards some modern Britons appear to be.

At least we have a visionary leader to guide us onto the sunlit uplands of the future. Does Prime Minister Johnson bemoan the falling living standards of today? No. He focuses on the future and how great it will be tomorrow. This strategy has served him well personally and politically. There’s always another wife down the road and another political appointment. Who cares for the carnage of the now? Look to tomorrow and how great it will be!

Happily he has applied this farseeing skill to the energy crisis driving millions of (not) hardworking (enough) Britons into poverty yesterday and today. What use throwing up wind turbines, solar panels and hydro schemes all across our green and pleasant land today when all you have to do it is wait a decade (minimum) for ten new nuclear power plants? This is where the people of Brexitannia rightly live. In the future. Always in the future and in ignorance of the present. Just so.

Of course the Woke decry the enteral, hazardous waste that is produced by clean nuclear power. What of it? That is a problem for tomorrow too. All you have to do to soothe that qualm is imagine how wonderful it will when the Sun supernovas and takes care of the problem for us all.

Follow the example of your Prime Minister and look to tomorrow. You can imagine any number of wonders if you try. Ignore the results of your past actions on today. It’s the Johnson way.
