Chickens were an EU invention and Britain is better off without them

Chickens were an EU invention and Britain is better off without them

Global Britain will stop at nothing to dissuade the stretch marked EU27 from its pathetic attempts to get us to come home. We have left the nagging Continental wife and opened our Tinder account. No one can stop us now. The divorce has been finalised and we only need to look after the kids when we choose, preferably in a disused army barracks.

The sports car is not a desperate attempt to prove our virility remains virile, it is a statement of undeniable energy. The new hairstyle suits us as well as any twentysomething. You want a top knot? Call us a samurai. Time can not weary the free United Kingdom. It still has oats to sow, double or triple headed and all it needs is the willing fields to appear before us.

Not even food shortages, and whatever else turning our backs on the boring old Single Market throws at us, can cause us to pause and wonder if maybe later middle age would have been better without the bridges of younger years burnt? We are unrepentant. Global Britain is on the single’s market and open to offers.

The chicken crisis only serves to illustrate our freedom. The EU is too cunning to call us at 2am and beg us to reconsider, instead it takes the shears to our shirts and throws them out of the windows of the nearest Nando’s. And what are we to make of that? The domestic hen was famously introduced to these shores by the tyrannical EU’s first attempt to rule over Mighty Britannia. It did not work then and it will not work now. We’ve done Brexit as definitely as we did Romexit.

Just try sending your chickens to roost here Brussels! Good luck finding a HGV driver to deliver them. Global Britain is free and unafraid of STD’s.
