To save his Presidency Boris Johnson has to promise to make everyone a billionaire

To save his Presidency Boris Johnson has to promise to make everyone a billionaire

The working classes need an aspirational goal or they may not till the fields until they expire, broken and poor. This would be the end of Great Britain, and if Brexit has opened the door to any possibility, the end of the old order is the widest one.

It is simply not enough for the British Prime Minister to shrug off his security details to party in the Italy hills with party animals. It is simply not sufficient for him to reward generous donors with titles that used to once be earned on the field of battle, thus stacking the Lords that little bit more in his favour. It is not becoming to appear in hi-vis one day and a mask the next. It can not be beyond the wit of man for the British PM to have a Union Flag patterned, hi-vis face mask. Such an adornment would be all the more visible when courageously discarded for a close gathering in a crowded room.

No. Great Britain expects more.

In particular it expects more promises of a lovely day tomorrow. Not the meagre promise of the so called progressives that no child will go hungry. Not the thin gruel of a well funded education system. Nor the time wasted by assuring that anyone can receive medical care free at the point of need. How can a modern vulture capitalist system function if people are not always afraid of the next bill? And the bills must grow.

It is time for Mr Johnson to cast his spell once more upon the huddled masses. It is time for him to promise to make every Briton a billionaire. Only then will the party of the divine right to rule be certain it can continue to milk the lambs.

The bigger the promise the greater the potential for Mr Johnson’s subjects to ignore the bin fire of today and look in wonder at what tomorrow could deliver. It must always be a lovely day tomorrow, only that way can Britons ignore that today is always worse than yesterday under Johnson.
