To win the fishing war Macron must simply donate to Tory MPs

To win the fishing war Macron must simply donate to Tory MPs

International statecraft is a simple matter of writing cheques. The naive worry over words given and handshakes exchanged. The experts just buy what they want. It must be hoped the French do not understand this or the fishing war may be lost without a shot being fired.

No one is suggesting that the calibre and integrity of the UK’s governing Conservative Party is beyond reproach. However, it may just be possible to influence their thinking by donating millions to the Tory Party. Just look at the success of Russian oligarches and certain US billionaires in the steady, ongoing destruction of the United Kingdom. Money well spent. We’re almost at the point of no return and busy celebrating it. The dark days of fellowship and cooperation with our continent are behind us. The days of profiteering from engineered conflict lay ahead. The good old days returned. The French could learn a lot from that.

Macron can easily mimic this fiscal strategy and pour Euros into the Conservative coffers. The currency will settle in nicely next to the roubles and dollars. He will likely find afterwards that the recipients of his largesse are suddenly less concerned about the welfare of British fishermen and trumpeting the French cause. “If British fishermen insist on violating the sovereign rights of another state’s water we can only ask they behave more carefully in the future.”

Clearly the welfare of the fishing stalwarts of British maritime power are top of our elected representatives concerns. Just look at the cross party efforts of the two major English political parties prior enacting the Oven Ready Deal? The warnings came thick and fast that fishermen were being deceived for short term political ends.

Arguing over the details of legal treaties the UK signed up to is a dead end for the Continentals. Free holidays, golden wallpaper and funds to fight a future of gerrymandered elections is where the true power lies. You can have our sewage smeared hake and eat it President Macron! But you must show due respect for our modern legislative process and pay for it.
