To win a trade war with the EU we just have to believe in ourselves

To win a trade war with the EU we just have to believe in ourselves

You can see our major advantage in conflict with the European Union from a mile away. No strategic genius is required for victory, we just have to rinse and repeat the actions that have seen us succeed thus far. Already massive blows have been landed against EU businesses. Some are so scared of the mighty British lion they now avoid Britain altogether. They huddle on ferries skirting our ferocious island to rush goods back and forth between Ireland and the Continental mainland. You can smell their fear as the boats sail straight past the White Cliffs of Dover, or Lands End.

How we have triumphed so far on the field of completely avoidable battle is also no secret. We have believed in ourselves against all evidence to the contrary. It is our good fortune to be led in this time of manufactured conflict by inheritance millionaires, backed by sanctioned oligarchs and swivelled eyed US think tank lunatics. The new feudalism will not create itself alone on this septic isle. It needs massive cash injections from overseas to turn the heads of our elected representatives. We have the allies with the bank books required to first isolate ourselves from the crumbling European project, and then asset strip ourselves into oblivion. But we must hold the course.

A trade war with the European Union is the next obvious step. We do not require the government to plan the battle in stages. All that is needed is for Johnson and Frost to further break relations with Brussels and for British businesses to come up with a way to mitigate the damage. It is clear where the separation lies between cause and effect, and who must mop up the mess.

Weaker souls may pull back from all out trade conflict while our supply chains already demonstrate our wins so far. Let our erstwhile friends across the Channel have a breather they say. Can’t you see we’ve blackened their eyes enough? World War Two was not won with such a lilied liver. If we had simply stopped after the win of Dunkirk what would have happened then? Granted certain elected politicians, and certain unelected gobshites may have found the world of today more to their liking. But they can get what they want now anyway.

Let us start that trade war now. Let us push onto the beach heads of farming, agriculture and whatever is left of UK manufacturing. We just have to carry the torch of duplicity high. Johnson and Frost are lit with its light. So long as the EU continues to treat us like a sane interlocutor we have our advantage.

The trade war will be over by Christmas.
