Brexit is UK’s chance to become world leaders in crisis management

Brexit is UK’s chance to become world leaders in crisis management

You can smell the EU’s envy from across the Channel, even if you are not trying to. They plod along in their dreary and over regulated lives bereft of the excitement afforded the UK thanks to Brexit. This is their choice. They made their bed when they decided to force the UK out of the EU. It is not our responsibility to help them feel alive again. We have got the sportscar and the one bedroom flat and we’re on the lookout for someone half our age in order to feel truly alive again.

Clearly we should not make too much of the EU’s palpable jealously at how much more energetic the domestic situation now is in the fully sovereign United Kingdom (except for a part of Kent). It is not British to gloat upon victory. We must maintain our steady course and continue to reap the whirlwind we have sown.

While we may not be able to compete with Spain’s beaches, French wine or Italian pasta dishes, we can brush those piddling achievements into the shadows by excelling at the one area that Brexit Britain truly gives us the chance to shine in.

Crisis Management. We are now beginning to experience exactly what Brexit means and it’s exciting. Especially profitable for the vultures, but the plebs must be managed. Here is where we will outstrip the EU by fathoms.

We have now manufactured more crises then it is possible to recall without writing them down. And here is where we will shine as an example to the entire world. Just look at us keep calm and carry on sabotaging ourselves. Look how orderly the queues at our petrol stations.

Let crisis be the watchword of the invigorated Brexit Britain and let everyone watch with an open mouth and wide eyes at how we manage. We could not have had these crises inside the EU. Now we can and we will manage.
