If Labour won’t solve social care crisis they must resign from Government

If Labour won’t solve social care crisis they must resign from Government

It has come to a pretty pass when the Official Opposition will not solve the problems created by 11 years of Tory governments. It is all very well for Labour to harp from the side lines on issues such as the social care crisis, but if they are not prepared to do the work of solving it, what is the point of them being in parliament?

Clearly to govern the country properly requires a functioning House of Commons and a Lords stuffed with Tory donors. In this way can the great issues of the day be debated before Boris Johnson grows bored of them and waves his magic wand.

Labour’s pigheadedness is evident on social care. Daily the government and its courtier journalists demands they come up with a full plan for Mr Johnson to copy, much in the manner of Liz Truss and an EU negotiated trade deal, but do they? You may as well whistle into the wind.

The stubborn refusal to do Mr Johnson’s job for him proves Mr Starmer is only useful for not mentioning Brexit. While that is a great service to HMG, and continues the fine tradition started under the last Labour leader of validating the Tories biggest project, it doesn’t help bring forward a dementia tax.

Labour must now resign from the House of Commons. After all, when you consider Mr Johnson’s majority, the ridiculous lack of time he allows for debates (just to provide a fig leaf over his corrupt autocracy), and the supine obsolescence of his MPs, Labour do no one any service being part of the theatre anyway. They would be better stood outside in protest.

Once they have a fully costed plan, which maintains inherited wealth and tax havens, but somehow convinces the public the issue is being handled, they may return to the Commons and hand it over to the Prime Minister to pretend it was his work.
