The exceptional nature of British hospitality will lure lost EU workers back

The exceptional nature of British hospitality will lure lost EU workers back

Those who do not understand how a modern, globally integrated economy functions are forever bemoaning the state of things on our sacred island. These people are best ignored with their handwringing over treating foreigners as equals. They miss the reason millions of EU 27 workers flocked to Britain. Britain is an exceptional place. It has become only more exceptional since reclaiming its sovereignty.

It would not be going too far to say that Global Britain is an example to the world. We have made ourselves that example.

One only has to look at the historic victory of Priti Patel. To the cheers of patriots she ended Freedom of Movement for good. Clearly those more deserving, who were born with bulging bank accounts, will just re-purchase the freedoms. This is as they deserve. The rest will have to look to their accident of birth and attempt to avoid accident the next time around.

This week the news cycle is dominated not just by Dominic Raab’s tireless efforts to extend the hand of friendship to Greece, by promotion of its beaches as a destination for perceptive and privileged sun worshippers, but by short sighted industry leaders bemoaning the sovereign nature of our immigration system. It’s almost as if the threats made behind closed doors to these so called entrepreneurs were in vain.

Let them thrash and hand wring in the subservient press. It does them no good. There is absolutely no need to surrender the gains of victory in the field of immigration against our foes across the Channel.

British exceptionalism will soon see those millions of lost EU workers return to Blighty. Only by maintaining our low wage, low rights economy can this be done. This sends out the message that Britain is a special place governed by exceptional people for whom different rules apply.

They’ll want some of that exceptionalism. They’ll want to rub against it and hope it rubs off. Profiteering pandemic tests won’t dissuade them. The threat of a stay at Her Majesty’s pleasure because an immigration official misunderstood the new rules won’t keep them at bay. After all, there is only one country on Earth that has Priti Patel and her special plans for all of them.
