Paying fishermen to be silent shows how to make Brexit a success

Paying fishermen to be silent shows how to make Brexit a success

It’s not just the fishing sector’s silence that must be bought to ensure Brexit’s success. There are farmers who must be silenced with as little public cash as they will tolerate. The time may come when the shreds of the financial sector also need paying off to stop the remnants moving to New York. The Prime Minister must keep signing the cheques to make Brexit a success.

Nothing else matters.

This has been clear since the major English political parties agreed to the project of managed decline of the economy, society and basic individual rights in the service of Great British history. Allowing people to come and go as they wish has weakened the national character. The door had to be shut before it was gone altogether. The preserve the original character of the country. English. Risen from the soils and clean of foreign interference.

We can only be grateful that in Jeremy Corbyn the then Prime Minister Theresa May was faced with a Lexiter. Heaven forbid how turbulent the birth of the new feudalism would have been had Labour been led by a remainer committed to discovery of Tory electoral crimes, foreign interference in U.K. democracy and the protections of basic rights given freely at birth to all citizens, regardless of their financial status.

We may never have seen Prime Minister Johnson move his mistress into Downing Street. Indeed, we may never have Brexited.

Happily a different path was followed and our future is now written in stone. Solid. Dependable. As unchanging as our received history.

Extra gratitude must be given for the nature of the PM and his party. Whatever must be done to stay in power will be done. That includes socialism. The entire economy has now to be stabilised to make sure Brexit is viewed as a success. Pay off the fishermen. Pay the farmers to harvest their dissent and mulch it back into the silent soils. Just keep writing cheques and Brexit will be a success.

Except for the determined remainers turned rejoiners. They can not be bought. They are the other pillar that ensures Brexit’s triumph. For if we do not have an enemy within, we will have to look for one without. And for a Prime Minister with a ship to build that would be an unnecessary distraction from the signing of Brexit’s cheques.
