Downing Street’s pandemic border policy proves post Brexit Britain is connected globally

Downing Street’s pandemic border policy proves post Brexit Britain is connected globally

The Woke will sneer because that is what the PC gone mad rabble do, but anyone who cares about Britain’s prominence in the new world order ushered in by Donald J. Trump will smile in quiet satisfaction.

Happily for Global Britons 10 Downing Street was not only infected with the nasty cold virus but with optimism. We have become the Superman of world connectivity. The famous Great British Blitz Spirit has seen our borders as porous as needed to keep the world’s high net worth travellers mobile.

The hand wringers decry this bold and fearless approach, but then whoever defeated a pandemic by staying home afraid to step outside? Not for Britons the terrified curtain twitching of the Antipodes. It’s no wonder they wait eagerly for our trade representatives to visit and reassure them that we are once again leading the Commonwealth. We have thrown off the shackles of the meandering and lost European Union and are ready once again for you to kiss our ring.

The soundness of Mr Johnson’s leadership is on full display with the Indian variant. While pale and pasty critics called foul his open border policy he should firm. The Indian variant by its name proves this policy did not lead to Kent Variant 2.0. Put that in your pipe and smoke it gloomsters!

The plague achievements of the Prime Minister are only embossed when you consider he managed all this while dealing with the classic issues of a happy, expectant couple making a new nest in a very old home.

If you doubt Mr Johnson’s wise and steady hand you would do well to consider he did all this while choosing new curtains.
