Funding the Prime Minister’s nanny is an investment opportunity only a fool would miss

Funding the Prime Minister’s nanny is an investment opportunity only a fool would miss

The ‘Woke’ will not like it which is reason enough to pay for a nanny for each and every one of the Prime Minister’s uncounted progeny.

Regardless of the child’s age.

You just have to look at a man of the calibre of the MP for North East Somerset to see how a nanny can continue to rear a man through adulthood. How many near misses with humanity has Mr Rees-mogg escaped because nanny was nearby. Nanny is ever watchful.

It’s not just the character building advantages that a nanny will provide if employed 24/7, thus sparing the well born needless contact with their offspring. When you consider the domestic in this case is required at No. 11 Downing Street there is a wealth of advantage to be gained. I am not merely talking about being surrounded by the neo-colonial stylings of Lulu Lytle and how that provides a bulwark against woke washing.

The wealth of advantage in this circumstance may well turn out to be actual wealth. Many a Tory donor has seen their numerous offshore bank accounts swollen like river levees to breaking point during the pandemic. This is because their generosity to the governing Conservative and Unionist Party has been repaid in multiples that would see a mathematician blink in wonder.

To whomever the Prime Minister extended the prime opportunity to pay for his childcare I say grab that chance with both fat hands! It’s an investment opportunity only a fool would miss.
