Boris Johnson shouldn’t rush to provide the British leadership Europe so desperately needs

Boris Johnson shouldn’t rush to provide the British leadership Europe so desperately needs

We see now, all too clearly, the grave mistake Europe made by forcing the United Kingdom out of the European Union. How quickly the worm has turned without the calm and pragmatic leadership of the British at the European table. Merkel must be feeling very sheepish this morning alongside her co-conspirator Macron. If they had only conceded the reasonable demands of the British negotiators then they wouldn’t be lost and fumbling about in the suddenly dark corridors of international statecraft.

Of course now all we hear from across the Channel is the massed cries of the EU27 as they plead for a British Prime Minister to stride like a colossus over the waters and take back control of their failing project. It is keenly obvious that President Putin would not have invaded his neighbour if the British were still governing the Continent. Who would? The native British lion and his mighty paws ever ready to swat away any challenger and defend the French, as it always did.

It is right that the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson act as a consultant as the Europeans struggle to form a coherent response. The close connections of the Conservative Party to the Russian kleptomanic, political elite make our government experts on how the Russian mind functions. Europe needs our guidance as surely as our democracy has needed the millions Putin’s circle has poured into Tory coffers over the last decade.

But do not be too enthusiastic Prime Minister. The EU27 must be made to understand what they cost themselves by driving the noble UK out of their club. We never wanted to do Brexit, Mr Johnson definitely didn’t, but now that it has happened all must understand what was lost.

Lead them Mr Johnson, but lead them from the rear until it is time to run to the front and claim you see the way through the rocky shoals of turbulent times.

Do not forget though to send a quiet note of thanks to Mr Putin. He has driven Partygate and the horror of over 170,000 unnecessarily lost British lives off the front pages. He has inadvertently extended your time in office. Maybe a few spare roubles could be found to help with the May local election campaigns? After all, who would notice?

Peace will return to Europe, but not without the British.
