Will an annual ‘Liz Truss Day’ give the UK reason to cheer once more?

Will an annual ‘Liz Truss Day’ give the UK reason to cheer once more?

There is no denying that nothing lifts the British mood more than a day of celebration. The reason is self-evident, the United Kingdom has much to celebrate and daily accumulates more reasons to pat itself on the back. One only has to consider the cast of characters that currently comprise the governing Cabinet in order to feel the lips curl upwards into a slow smile. Never before has a random collection of yes-men, yes-women and collective sycophants played the part of two short planks and some spare nuts and bolts with more vigour than now.

Prominent on top of the PM’s tool box is of course the Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Liz Truss. Only last week she proved to the entire world that the famous British sense of humour is not dead when she went to Russia.

Surely the time has come to honour Ms Truss for her achievements? When you consider where she started on Brexit and the journey from savage critic to true believer, and solely for personal gain? No backflip of values crystallises contemporary British political standards and values to greater refraction.

The question posed as the headline really does answer itself. An annual Liz Truss Day will give the country a valid reason to have a fully paid public holiday (excepting the many public service workers who will needs must be on standby to deal with the drunken fall out from mid-afternoon and on).

The lorry queue in Dover is visible from space. If it’s good enough for truckers it’s good enough for Liz. Let us come together with a conga surpassing the famous one in the early days of the pandemic in 2020. Let’s grab each others hips and sway all the way through Liz Truss Day.

Not only would it lift the country’s flagging spirits it would show Brussels we are not afraid. We are already celebrating our next Conservative Prime Minister even as she tries to prise the current one out of 10 Downing Street. And nothing is more Tory than changing PM’s like you change nappies. Why not start with a nappy this time that is already brimful and overflowing?
