To regain his poll surge Boris Johnson need only deliver more Brexit benefits

To regain his poll surge Boris Johnson need only deliver more Brexit benefits

The Woke will never understand the appeal of Britain’s greatest serving Prime Minister. Indeed the yoghurt knitting, avocado worshipping London elite would rather spend their fruitless time attempting to stop refugees drowning then considering the broader appeal of Mr and Mrs Johnson. What a wasted life. Is this what those men died on the beaches for? Matt Hancock would know, but he is currently in the outer shadows.

Clearly this corrosive, so called progressive trend in the populace is now becoming contagious, as poll after poll shows the rightful party of government beginning the slide. Some awful magic is at work. It is not the fault of rising living costs, extensive NHS waiting lists, a tantric pandemic, a country which has made itself an international laughing stock in service to faux sovereignty or the threat of finding effluent flowing out of your rainmaking shower head. All these Conservative works do not in the slightest negatively impact public perceptions. The huddled masses are too busy surviving to join the dots. Which is exactly how we like it.

It is Mr Johnson’s fault as he has not prosecuted the war against the EU with enough vigour.

He has been too concerned with food imports and Scotch whiskey exports. Indeed, perhaps too concerned with his own river of French Champagne when there is always an abundance of English sparkling to be found. The river of diamonds is an allegory he would do well to heed when filling his cellars.

We say rise up Mr Johnson. Be once more the lion that roars at the French, that mocks the Germans, that tries to work out where the Dutch live. You can reclaim the initiative if you show the British people more of the only Brexit benefit that matters to them. Being mean to foreigners.
